Shimmering White Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

So simple, and so breathtakingly beautiful. This holiday flower arrangement features an all-white bouquet of roses, lilies and more in an exquisite silver reflections vase that will be cherished for years. Perfect for Christmas, Hanukkah - or just because. Watching snow fall softly, silently is one of life's loveliest experiences. And the feeling is stirred by this enchanting bouquet of serenely beautiful white flowers in an exquisite silver reflections vase. Give someone you love a whiter Christmas. Watching snow fall softly, silently is one of life's loveliest experiences. And the feeling is stirred by this enchanting bouquet of serenely beautiful white flowers in an exquisite silver reflections vase. Give someone you love a whiter Christmas. The gorgeous bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white oriental lilies, white alstroemeria and white stock accented with assorted greenery. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white oriental lilies, white alstroemeria and white stock accented with assorted greenery. The stunning bouquet includes white roses, white spray roses, white oriental lilies, white alstroemeria and white stock accented with assorted greenery. Orientation: All-Around

Shimmering White Bouquet



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